Next Generation Update

June 8, 2016


After the firstweek of Go Live, we've received great feedback on our new Employer Portal! Thank you for being open and honest during the transition. We are very happy with progress so far.

Employers are using and transacting in the Portal and for the most part everything is going very well. We have seen some of you experience isolated glitches and we are working alongside you to help resolve them.

We have highlighted a few items and their temporary solutions below. We are working on permanent resolutions, but in the meantime, you can take following steps:


1.Stuck Remittance- We are seeing a few remittances (with buybacks and without} which have not moved past "processing remittance summary information" status.
The status reads: Processing Reminance Summary Information
What is happening: You have either clicked "validate" or load" and rather than proceeding to the next status, the remittance becomes stuck.
Action: Leave the remittance sitting in the portal in its current state and we will notify you when it's ready to be revalidated.

2. Buyback Error - There is currently a "complete member error" in remittances that you should not be receiving.
The error reads: Calculate buyback balance wasn't executed correctly for membership.
What is happening? You should not be receiving this validation. We hope to resotve this issue shortly.
Action: Leave the remittance sitting in the portal in its current state and we will notify you when it's ready to be revalidated.

3. Contribution Declaration - During step-two of the remittance, we have seen inconsistent behavior when either attaching a file or manually entering a transaaion using the form.
What is happening? The information is being doubled in the contribution detail section. (You will see an additional line item)
Action: Before you hit next, be sure to review the contribution detail to ensure nothing has doubled. If you do proceed to the next step, the validation process will fail as the amounts don't match. At this point you can zero out the doubled line in the remittance detail screen, which will allow you to validate and complete the remittance.
Data Collections: File attaching- In the initial data entry stage on the Data Input Summary tab, when you select a file from your computer to attach, the Portal isn't recognizing that you are trying to attach a file and nothing happens.
This is happening infrequently.
What is happening? We are still trouble shooting why this happens.
Action: In some instances we have noticed that if you login and then logout, that will help. Sometimes repeated attempts at attaching the file helps.
To help us troubleshoot this glitch, please call us and we will walk through the steps with you.

Troy Diakow
Executive Director, Client Services