Frequently Asked Questions - Employer Portal

July 21, 2016

Member and Employer Information Session Special Edition

Throughout the last six weeks, we have been compiling a list of Frequently Asked Questions that we have received from the training teams and the Employer Services Centre. We've highlighted the most popular questions below:

Renaming the regular remittance

As a reminder, you are able to change the name of your regular remittance. We suggest that naming regular remittances is done so that the process to locate a specific remittance invoice/reports will be more efficient. You can update the name of your regular remittance to include your pay period dates/numbers, etc.

How to: Steps 1 to 3

1. Entering into your regular remittance (you will enter into stage 2 "Contribution Declaration").
Click back to stage 1 ("Remittance Definition").
2. Then click into the name box and add/change info here to change/update the remittance name.
3. Select "save".

*Of note, when your [Next] regular remittances regenerates [for your next pay periods], it will have this new name one it. Return to stage 1 and change the name.

Notification emails

Due to feedback received from employers during our spring training sessions, APS made the decision to suppress the Portal notification emails. Although employers will still be presented with the message stating they will receive an email notifying them when the process(es) complete [that they have to click "OK" through], no email will be received. APS plans on re-implementing this process when more functionality is in place to opt in or out and manage email distribution.

Termination data collections dates

Please remember, when you are configuring/creating a termination data collection, the 'Period Start Date" and "Period End Date" refer to your pension reporting. Employee specific dates pertaining to the transaction or adjustment, are inputted in the second stage of the data collection.

Naming convention for data collections

APS suggests a naming convention that includes the transaction you are processing (i.e. termination or registration), the pension plan (if you administer more than one), and the month and year the transaction is reported. This will assist you when you need to locate the applicable reports as there will be numerous years of data collections collected over time. Examples of termination data collection names: "Termination LAPP July 2016 Smith, Joe", "Terminations LAPP July 2016", "Termination Adjustment LAPP July 2016 Smith, Joe".

Completing your data collections and remittances

After you've selected "Validate" and actioned/corrected any validation(s), don't forget to select "Validate and Load" to finish the process. Just correcting the validation(s) does not complete the transaction.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Employer Services Representative.